It makes my heart sing every time I see a new and fabulous print from the 1950s. It never fails to delight me how innovative and experimental fashion was after the drear austerity of the war years. Of course there were popular recurring prints: poodles, scottie dogs, flamingoes etc, but there are constant surprises too. Take a look at some of these fabulous vintage prints: there's everything from lucky charms to bicycles, tigers to crayons, oh and some pretty kitty's too of course! What's even more pleasing is the wide range of items they're printed on. It's not just on sun-dresses - the prints can be found on men's shirts, circle skirts, shorts, fabric and even a very stylish dressing gown! Just click on each item to find out more! P.S. I think my favourite is the circle skirt with the gorgeous jungle print border, have you spotted the tiger peeking out?